Why America's Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis
/Why America's Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis
By Linda Villarosa
Latoya Ruby Frazier for the new york times
This article moved me so deeply so I am passing it on to you! It is amazing to read not only the heart wrenching personal story but also the statistics highlighted in this piece which are so relevant in these days of #metoo and #blacklivesmatter.
I am someone who practices medicine, tries to make evidence based recommendations and really listen to patients. I work to check my inherent biases every 15 minutes with each new patient that walks into my office. I always knew differences existed in the way we treat patients of color, and as someone who has spent many years working with the under served I always knew that challenging life experiences affected health outcomes. This article however points out that the way we birth is directly connected physiologically to the way we live and therefore it can not be denied that our inherent biases affect health outcomes at a way deeper level than I personally ever imagined.
Take a few minutes to read this article and put yourself in someone else's shoes. For those that did not even realize this disparity existed please consider the ways you can ease the life stresses of others. Your kindness and support literally changes biology. This article also highlights the importance of support in birth for all and I for sure will be asking myself how I can better be of service to ALL of our clients.
Read the article HERE